Tuesday, February 17, 2009

On Working with the Frat Pack......

I support a bunch of guy sales people. They range in ages from 23-35 and they are all very nice men. However, when you put them all together it is like working in a fucking frat house. Now, I have worked as a sales person (and I SUCK) and with sales people (as the "crap" girl... more on that later) but these boys are by far the funniest. First, being the only girl, and NOT in sales, this gives me a distinct advantage. A) I am not quota drivin (which is EXTREMELY good for me, as I am not a good test taker) B) I very rarely have to speak at length on the phone to a client (which is also very good, as I have a tendency to be a little rude) C) the boys completely ignore me(unless they want something from me, which is typical of sales) ........

I love it.

Since the Boys ignore me, I get to listen to all the shit they talk to each other. And its a lot. Today I heard "Who wants to juice this?" which i have learned (thanks to the youngest) that means to place a bet. Followed by a lengthy discussion about how not to bet on WA teams, and college basketball is the only basketball worth betting on.

I also heard MANY Simpson's references. And the thing is, its kinda like being in a zoo. One starts, the rest follow. Men amaze me.

Then there was the begging of the territories. The Baby, i think is feeling like he is running out of chances to get some points, and spent a good hour today... BEGGING and telling, and asking people who don't really make that decision for one of the other Pack members states. Of course he said no, but the begging continued for quite awhile. Followed by a few choice insults.

I love working with these Men. I wouldn't change it for the world. They are hysterical, and an endless sort of amusement for me. And the best part is, they all take all the shit I talk in stride. I am being a bitch, they think i am funny.

Life is good. Now I pack up the I-Pod, and get ready to go home. The ride home should be pleasant as it is still light out, and sunny today, and I carpool with my (female) boss whom I love, and love to ride home with her!! (and i feel like I can type that without brown-nosing, because at the time of this post, only one other person besides me, even know this blog exists)

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