Thursday, April 2, 2009

A letter to Ryan.

First of all, I am losing a headache battle, and I haven't blogged in a long time, and I am a bad blogger, and for that I am sorry. But, I've wanted to do this for a long time, and so today, since I am brain dead, but this topic is so easy, I can literally do this, with my eyes closed.

Dearest Ryan,

Thank you. We have been friends for about a year now, and I already can not imagine my life without you in it. You are so beautiful inside and out. I am so blessed to be able to call you my friend. You have single handedly made me a better person. You have broadened my horizons by leaps and bounds. Because of you, I have gotten through some tough times. Because of you, I have laughed so hard my co workers have questioned my sanity. Because of you, I have started blogging. Because of you, I have started reading different books, that I never would have thought I would enjoy. Because of you, I have stepped outside my box, and done things I would have never done, without your encouragement. Because of you, I have been emailed by a famous person, Because of you, I have questioned myself, and though to challenge myself more. Your amazing accomplishments make me so proud I almost feel like they are my accomplishments. You are something to be proud of, and I am proud to be able to say, "Hell YEAH, that girl, she is MY friend!" and people are jealous of me, because we are friends.
You are like an extension of me, and I am so lucky. I wish I could tell everyone how incredible you are. And since I am unable to tell each person of your incredible coolness, I am writing a blog about you.
This past year has been rough for you, and I am so sorry that you have been hurt. But, watching you overcome your challenges, each time getting stronger, and closer to yourself is really inspiring. You are one of the most amazing women I have ever met, and being a part of your story is just a blessing. I wish you would write about you. You are very interesting, and your insight on life would help many other people be better people. You deserve your own motivational poster.
Thank you for pushing me every day to be a better person. You are the perfect friend, and if I could bottle you and sell you, we would be millionaires. Maybe even billionaires.
I can not wait to see you in April, I have been counting down the days for like the last 6 months or something ridiculous like that.
I want you to know that I think you are one of the most incredible people in this whole world.

Thank you for being you

My Cup Runneth Over

With my love,

PS, I'm sure this doesn't make much sense, but, I am retarded, and you know that, so I'm not to worried.

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