Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday Morning Embarassment


First of all its FUCKING SNOWING. I am over it. Seattle doesn't snow anymore. It did when I was a child, and then it stopped for a long time. And now all the sudden, It snows here again. And the thing is, this stupid city is not built for snow, so everyone gets all retarded and shuts down. uggh. BOO ON SNOW
Second, I completely embarrassed myself, because I sent a link to my blog to like my fave blogger ever. And THEN i realized I talked about her in a previous blog, and NOW I am doing it again.Hopefully she will be too busy to read this, but she responded to my email, so maybe she will, and then I am just embarrassing myself further. But whatever, I cant retract my email. I'll just have to live with my retardedness.
Third, Its snowing, I am wearing heeled sandals
Fourth, one of my twins told me yesterday that he thought my dogs little butt was very cute.
What do you say to that?
Fifth, I am not really wanting to work today, and I know I need to get my head in the game, but all I can think about is how I totally embarrassed myself, and now I am STILL embarrassing myself because I cant stop writing about how embarrassed I am. Jenny, if you read this, I am sorry I cant stop talking about you!
Sixth, My teen aged cousin got her money stolen by some friends. Teenagers are SO STUPID. and I am going to have 2 at some point. If I keep letting them drink coffee, and switch it from decaf to regular...... will that keep them from being teens?

ok ok, really I should work now. Nose to the grindstone, earn my check and all. My Co-workers are going to question my work ethic.

Fucking Pink Dolphins.

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